Saturday, March 11, 2006

First I would like to congratulate my dearest friends Heather and Matt on their new baby BOY!!. Maxwell James "Lil Max" entered this world on March 8th. Heather had been told all along that little Max was a girl. After all the pink was boughten and a perfect little girls name was picked here is Max. They couldn't be more happier, Their family is now complete with 2 girls and 2 boys. This is the second time Heather was told she was having a girl, only to deliver a perfectly healthy "BOY". Congratulations to the Kangas Family. Heather is the first true friend I met on this base. We met online at Baby Center. Turned out we lived right down the street from each other. I met her when Sydney was 8 weeks old, Her little boy Bryson was not even a year. And Morgan was 2 1/2. Bryson will be 4 in April and Morgan is in Kindergarten now. I have truly enjoyed wathing her kids grow up. Matt got orders to Eielson Alaska, They leave here in May. I will miss her and her family so very much, but I know that we will always keep in touch with each other.

This week has been a rough week for me. My dad left on Thursday. It was very hard to bring him to the airport. He will be coming back in August! Thank God. We had so much fun with him. We did nothing but sit and hang out together. I miss my dad so very much. The kids loved having Grandpa here. Sydney keeps telling me that she likes Grandpa better then Momma and Daddy. Thanks Syd, Love you too. Friday was a heck of a day with Syd. She was so angry that Grandpa left. He got my full water bottle and decided to jump on it, soaking the carpet. Not even 10 mins later I went looking for her only to find her in the bathroom, when I opened the door she immediately says I'm sorry. He got my bottle of cucumber lotion and dumped it every where!! All over the floor, sink and tub, In between her toes and fingers, even in her hair... I could have ripped out all my hair!!! Syd why did you do that, I want Grandpa was her only response. Oh daddy please come back soon!!!
Yesterday Matthew had his first real cookie. He loved it! He first found Sydneys. When she realized that he had it she quickly took it away. He charged her, he crawled right to her as fast as he could, climbed on her and was trying to get his cookie back. I gave him one. He at it like there was no tomorrow.
As I have said before being a military wife has its ups and downs. Even though I know all the benefits and wouldn't change our lives for the world I as facing a down part of military life. After my long tearful drive from the airport Thursday I found out that another my friends Valerie's husband got orders. They will be leaving here to go to North Carolina in July. I have now watched all my friends husbands get orders except one.. Sandy I know you read this.. Here is my message to you.. YOU CANNOT LEAVE ME TOO!! I have made so many wonderful friends here its hard to watch them leave. When we left Alaska we were the first from our group of friends to go. That's much easier then being the last. Anywho.. That's about it. I need to get going to the commissary and the Bx. Take Care..
posted by
at Saturday, March 11, 2006 |

1 Hanging with the Coopers

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Sandra

Veronica I LOVE those pics and Matthew eating his cookie is just adorable.

Loved Heather's baby pic too, how cute is Max huh?

You know I'm not going anywhere LOL We're stuck here, been here for 8 years and will probably stay until Curt retires LOL