Thursday, March 30, 2006
Sorry I haven't posted in forever... Life has been crazy. Scottie is on Spring Break right now. It started out really rough. I thought I am never going to make it for 1 week with all the kids home! The first morning Scottie and Sydney did nothing but fight from 7:30 am till after noon. I wanted to run and hide! Now everything seems to be going great!
Sydney had her first sleep over on Tuesday. She has been begging to spend the night at Anna's house for weeks. Well Anna's mom made her a deal that if she slept in her bed and didn't wake up in the middle of the night screaming bloody murder then she could spend the night. Sydney worked very had and was rewarded. I thought for sure the phone would ring in the middle of the night for me to come get her. No she did great. She was even mad when I picked her up after lunch on Wednesday!
Scottie lost his first front tooth on Monday night. It was so cute I was laying down with Mattie and Scott and Sydney were in the tub. Scottie starts screaming "Mom it finally happened quick come here!" I had no idea what had finally happened and I was kinda scared to find out! He jumps out of the tub and into my room naked and wet carrying his tooth. He was so happy that the tooth fairy was coming he went right to sleep.

Ben is only taking one class this semester. He has a lot less stress and more time with us. The kids are loving every minute of it. Matthew even got to get on the trampolene with Ben. I don't think that Matthew enjoyed it as much as Ben did. He was much happier swinging in the swing. Sydney loved pushing him.

Today I took the kids to Wal-Mart. My friend Valerie and her kids joined us. Sydney and Anna decided that they were ready to get their ears pierced. Well that didn't happen they both chickened out. Valerie had the girls in the jewelry section, I had Scottie and Jason while I checked out. The poor cashier I swore was close to 100 and moving very slow at that. She was having all kins of problems with the register. Scottie was sitting on the back of the cart on top between the two seats. I was trying to help this cashier when I hear Scottie shout to the entire store 'HEY DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE PENIS IS??" I couldn't believe what I was hearing and thought I must have heard things wrong. Just to hear Scottie yell "THE PENIS IS RIGHT HERE!" As I turn to see him pointing with both hands at himself! I grabbed him so quick off the cart. I have never been so embarrassed!! Got to love the job.. I would never change it for the world!
posted by
at Thursday, March 30, 2006 | 2 Hanging with the Coopers
Monday, March 20, 2006
We had a nice relaxing weekend. I got caught up with all my house work, So hopefully it will be an easy week. Scottie started soccer today. Thankfully Ben took him for me. The weather got really cold and the wind picked up. I couldn't see taking Matthew out in the cold. Sydney was very upset with me! So I taught her how to play Candyland. She surpisingly knew more colors then I thought she knew. The only problem, She wouldn't let me move my game piece. She did it all, I basically sat and flipped cards. Oh Well at least she had fun.
Ben sent me this link yesterday. It tries to predict how old you will live to be. The cartoon is very cute. I should live to be 92!! Lets hope.. Check it out.
It was funnt because based on Bens height and weight he should be a tall fat man. I guess they don't take muscle into account.
Have you seen the game show Deal or No Deal? I am addicted to this show. I really want to try to get Ben on. Ben its a LONG application and process to get on. Check it out:
I even have the kids and Ben watching it.
The funniest thing happened today. I was watching Sydney, Oliva and autumn (I watch 2 girls during the day) play in the computer room from the kitchen. I had left Matthews high chair thingie in the living room. I came into the living room to find Miko making himself at home with Matties chair.

I have no idea how he got in there, but he was sure enjoying Matthew left over lunch! So on this note I will close and say good night!! Till Tomorrow...
posted by
at Monday, March 20, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers
Friday, March 17, 2006
Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts

Happy Patties Day!!!
NOt to much on the to do list today. Scottie gets out of school early today. So I am trying to get all my household stuff done before I pick him up. He wants us to watch Sponge Bob Square pants movie together. Here are some pics I took this morning!
Thank You Merri-Anne for the present for Sydney. She loved the fairy as you can see. She dressedherself before I got to her.. Sydney loves fairies and princesses. Sydney perfers to be called Sydney-rella. She is our little princess.
The Corned Beef and cabbage have been cooking since 7:30 this moning. My mouth is already watering. 5 O'Clock cannot get here soon enough. We are having some friends come over for dinner. I hope Valerie and Harold come over hungry. Thats about it for today. The weather cannot decide if its going ot be warm or cold. It stinks. Yesterday we walked to get Scottie from school. It was beautiful until we got to the school, then the wind came in and we all froze. Thanks Idaho. Oh one last picture! I love when my kids Show how they love each other!!

Have a good green day!!

posted by
at Friday, March 17, 2006 | 0 Hanging with the Coopers
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Life around our house has been real slow. Thats good right?? I figured I would show some pictures that we took when dad was here. Sydney wouldn't look at the camera. And Miko found this fish toy, He carries it around with him everywhere.Today nothing got done. I hate days like this. I have great intentions, but nothing gets done. I feel like I am walking around in a sleep deprived daze all day. So I will be in bed here shortly.
The weather was beautiful today. Sydney played outside for a couple of hours. I figured between that and waking at 5:15 this morning she should be in bed early tonight. Who was I kidding. It is 9:06 and guess who is laying on my couch refusing to sleep until I let her in my bed. And here sits and equally stubborn mommy who says I can stay awake longer then you and I bet I sleep in my bed and you in yours. She will end up in my bed anyways. She has gotten smart. She doen't wake me when she gets in bed with me. She climbs in, covers up, snuggles up next to me and I find her in the morning!! I do love our snuggle. She is so peaceful, no screamming, yelling, screatching, just peace.
Speak of the devil and she is out which is my cue to get to bed.. Until tomorrow!!
posted by
at Thursday, March 16, 2006 | 0 Hanging with the Coopers
Saturday, March 11, 2006

I just had to post these pics. I love the way they turned out... Wish me luck for a peaceful morning at church!
posted by
at Saturday, March 11, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers
I found this online last night, It's kinda cool..
Your Birthdate: December 5
You have many talents, and you are great at sharing those talents with others.Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to elicit jealousy.Progressive and original, you're usually thinking up cutting edge ideas.Quick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges.
Your strength: Your superhuman brainpower
Your weakness: Your susceptibility to boredom
Your power color: Tangerine
Your power symbol: Ace
Your power month: May
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
posted by
at Saturday, March 11, 2006 | 0 Hanging with the Coopers

First I would like to congratulate my dearest friends Heather and Matt on their new baby BOY!!. Maxwell James "Lil Max" entered this world on March 8th. Heather had been told all along that little Max was a girl. After all the pink was boughten and a perfect little girls name was picked here is Max. They couldn't be more happier, Their family is now complete with 2 girls and 2 boys. This is the second time Heather was told she was having a girl, only to deliver a perfectly healthy "BOY". Congratulations to the Kangas Family. Heather is the first true friend I met on this base. We met online at Baby Center. Turned out we lived right down the street from each other. I met her when Sydney was 8 weeks old, Her little boy Bryson was not even a year. And Morgan was 2 1/2. Bryson will be 4 in April and Morgan is in Kindergarten now. I have truly enjoyed wathing her kids grow up. Matt got orders to Eielson Alaska, They leave here in May. I will miss her and her family so very much, but I know that we will always keep in touch with each other.

This week has been a rough week for me. My dad left on Thursday. It was very hard to bring him to the airport. He will be coming back in August! Thank God. We had so much fun with him. We did nothing but sit and hang out together. I miss my dad so very much. The kids loved having Grandpa here. Sydney keeps telling me that she likes Grandpa better then Momma and Daddy. Thanks Syd, Love you too. Friday was a heck of a day with Syd. She was so angry that Grandpa left. He got my full water bottle and decided to jump on it, soaking the carpet. Not even 10 mins later I went looking for her only to find her in the bathroom, when I opened the door she immediately says I'm sorry. He got my bottle of cucumber lotion and dumped it every where!! All over the floor, sink and tub, In between her toes and fingers, even in her hair... I could have ripped out all my hair!!! Syd why did you do that, I want Grandpa was her only response. Oh daddy please come back soon!!!
Yesterday Matthew had his first real cookie. He loved it! He first found Sydneys. When she realized that he had it she quickly took it away. He charged her, he crawled right to her as fast as he could, climbed on her and was trying to get his cookie back. I gave him one. He at it like there was no tomorrow.
As I have said before being a military wife has its ups and downs. Even though I know all the benefits and wouldn't change our lives for the world I as facing a down part of military life. After my long tearful drive from the airport Thursday I found out that another my friends Valerie's husband got orders. They will be leaving here to go to North Carolina in July. I have now watched all my friends husbands get orders except one.. Sandy I know you read this.. Here is my message to you.. YOU CANNOT LEAVE ME TOO!! I have made so many wonderful friends here its hard to watch them leave. When we left Alaska we were the first from our group of friends to go. That's much easier then being the last. Anywho.. That's about it. I need to get going to the commissary and the Bx. Take Care..
posted by
at Saturday, March 11, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers
Saturday, March 04, 2006

Today we celebrated Sydney's 3rd Birthday! I cannot believe that she is 3 already! She had a great time, As you already know my dad is here; Him being here made her birthday complete. We invited 5 families over for lunch and cake and ice cream. Including my kids we had 14 kids here. We planned a pinata, but we woke this morning to snow! Thanks Idaho. I was going to make a game out of letting each kids one at a time get blindfolded and try to scoop the candy with a spoon into a bowl for 30 secs. My friend Valerie and Ben convinced me to hang the pinata in the center of the room and let the kids hit it with a bat. Talk about scary they were only a few feet away from my hutch that has glass panels in it. It all worked out, The pinata broke after the 4th kid hit it. Way to go Jasmine!!!
Scottie loved having all the kids over. All his friends were here. He was so cute. When Sydney opened the gift from him and Matthew, he asked Sydney if she remembered that she had pointed that Mermaid Barbie out a few weeks before. He said "See Sydney I remembered what you wanted. I remembered that you wanted that and I knew that me and Matthew just had to get it for you" It's so nice to see that they really do love each other. Sometimes with all the fighting they do I worry that they will grow up and have a close relationship like my brother and I do. I just have to keep reminding myself that Chuckie and I fought like cats and dogs too, but after all was said and done we were always there for each other and still are. I can honestly say that I love my brother and he is my best friend. NOW Chuckie get your butt out here to visit!!!
Matthew got to eat his first piece of candy today. He loved it. He also got to eat his first piece of cake. He mushed it in his fingers and had it every where. Well that's all for tonight. Church is at 8 in the morning! Good night!
posted by
at Saturday, March 04, 2006 | 2 Hanging with the Coopers
Thursday, March 02, 2006
posted by
at Thursday, March 02, 2006 | 0 Hanging with the Coopers

Well my dad arrived today, I couldn't be happier. Oh wait yes I could if my entire family was here life would be good. I am just so thankful to get some time with my dad. Its been rough. Ben enlisted 7 years ago this past Jan. Come April 17th I will have been away from my family for 7 years. I so miss them. Growing up I NEVER imagined that I would ever move away from my parents, grandfather (RIP Dziadzia, We love you) and brother. I dreamed that my kids and my brothers kids would grow up living right down the street from each other. That my best friend Stephanie,(who I have known my entire life, seriously) and I would go through motherhood together like we have everything else in our life. And our kids wouldn't know life without each other being right down the street, they would go to school together and just hang out. They wouldn't just see each other once a year or every other year. This is that part of military life I HATE!!! Yes I know hate is a strong word, but that is how I feel. But on the other hand, I love what the military has done for my family. I don't have to worry about anything. And thank God Ben has a pretty secure job, no deployments any time soon, even though he would love to go on one.
I think when you are forced to face the facts that you cannot be near your family you keep those thought suppressed. Until someone comes to visit and you realize how painful it is to not see them enough. Not that I don't miss my family, because I do and I want nothing more then to be there with them, but for the sake of sanity and my children I cannot dwell on it. Okay enough about the military...

Sydney who I was worried would be shy of my dad has found a new best friend. Grandpa will tickle her arms until she falls asleep and then fall asleep with her.
I should be making out my list for Wal-Mart. Saturday is Sydneys 3rd Birthday. I need to get her party organized, so I am off to do that..
posted by
at Thursday, March 02, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Today was a VERY hectic day. Payday, The day we all look forward too. To me that means I get up earlier than normal, get Scottie off to school and take Matthew and Syd (the one who LOVES to sit still and listen) to the commissary. Today Thank God my friend Heather volunteered to keep Sydney while I went to the store. What a life saver. Commissary shopping wasn't that bad today. I did run into my friend Sandy there and I felt her pain as she chased after her 2 year old. We all know how stressful that can be. I hope when people see me running around the stores in a frantic they feel the same sympathy that I feel for moms and don't think look at that mom she cannot control those kids. I try I really do, sometimes letting them scream is all you can do.
My dad comes in tomorrow, I cannot wait. The kids are beside themselves. I have no idea how Scottie is going to make it through school tomorrow. Scottie is doing very well at reading and writing stories. He has been officially moved up to the 2nd grade reading level. I am so proud of him. His new thing is to break a pencil and sharpen down whats left of it, normally about 1 inch. He then thinks it is so cool to try to write with it. I keep finding them and tossing them, he keeps making them. Maybe if I stoped he would too. No didn't think so either.
Ben registered Scottie for soccer today. The boy lucked out. This year soccer and baseball run at the same time here on base. Well the age cut off for baseball is 7 by April 15th. Since he will not be 7 until July he has to play T-Ball. T-Ball and soccer run at different times. He was so happy, he really didn't want to choose. I have been wanting to put him in Karate. He wanted to join too, thats until I told hom that they teach you concertration and if you didn't pay attention you had to do push ups. Yeah what was I thinking. Its better that he doesn't anyhow.. Kids need time to be kids, I don't think that every minute of their days should be planned out for them. He loves sports, so we will keep him in. The only think I am insisting on is swim lessons for Sydney and Scottie this summer. They scare me because they have no fear.
Today being Ash Wednesday we had to go to church tonight. This makes for a late dinner and crabby children. What a mess... Matthew doing his high pitched squel, Sydney crying that she wants to go potty every 2 mins( I think she likes to keep walking around and she like to visit public bathrooms), and Scottie laying in his chair playing with a toy he snuck in. I just wanted to pull all my hair out. Father Raul got a little carried away with the ashes on the forehead, They were every where. We were having to blow on each other to shake the excess off. The baby behind us had so much that it covered the top of her nose too. The kids got a kick out of blowing in each others face. The morew ashes the better right? I just keep reminding myself that they are kids.. Then you have Ben sitting there telling Scottie that he should blow farts at his teacher because that's what she deserves. HELLOOOOO We are in church. People are turnig to look at us!! And no we teach our kids to RESPECT their teachers!!! Someone dig me a hole PLEASEEEEEE.. See you tomorrow daddy!!!
posted by
at Wednesday, March 01, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers