Thursday, June 22, 2006
I would like to start off this post by wishing my God Mother a very Happy Birthday!! Growing up with Aunt Berta by my side is something that I would never trade for the world. I always felt special being Aunt Bertas God Daughter. She made me laugh and always had a kind word to say. As I grew up I started to view her as more then a God Mother she was becoming my friend too. I can see why her and mom have been friends for almost 40 years. ( Take a few years) For her I am very thankful. I wish we could see more of each other. She is someone that hope will influence my kids the way she did me. Happy Birthday Aunt Berta! I miss you and love you.
The move..... BLAHHHHH Where to begin. I am so stressed already and it's just began. I have been trying to do stuff everyday so it doesn't all hit at once. With Ben taking his final 2 classes (and they are tuff ones) I don't expect much help around here. I have got almost everything that we don't need right now packed. The only problem is that I clear a space and I always seem to find something else to put in its place. So double the packing for me. Yesterday the kids played in the front yard with their friends while I cleaned and tried to get the yard inspection ready. Why in the world do they want anything done to the yards? We are the last ones to live here!! They are tearing these suckers down. I will never understand some of their reasoning. I mean does it really matter if the grass is not edged? Do you really have to see a gap between the cement and the grass that will grow back within a month of us leaving here and their "Gardner" will not fix it again. I just want to get on the rode and get to Virginia. Actually I just want me mom to get here. In one week she will be. Thank God.... Hey mom if you find any spare sanity laying around can you bring me some??? And Patience too?
Yesterday Mattie and Sydney played and laughed together for over 30 minutes. I snapped a bunch of pictures. It was Matthews first time actually playing "with" Sydney. They play all the time, but normally Matt will play next to Sydney. He is still learning. She pushed him on his Hippo block eating toy. It tired the both of them out...

Good Night All....
The move..... BLAHHHHH Where to begin. I am so stressed already and it's just began. I have been trying to do stuff everyday so it doesn't all hit at once. With Ben taking his final 2 classes (and they are tuff ones) I don't expect much help around here. I have got almost everything that we don't need right now packed. The only problem is that I clear a space and I always seem to find something else to put in its place. So double the packing for me. Yesterday the kids played in the front yard with their friends while I cleaned and tried to get the yard inspection ready. Why in the world do they want anything done to the yards? We are the last ones to live here!! They are tearing these suckers down. I will never understand some of their reasoning. I mean does it really matter if the grass is not edged? Do you really have to see a gap between the cement and the grass that will grow back within a month of us leaving here and their "Gardner" will not fix it again. I just want to get on the rode and get to Virginia. Actually I just want me mom to get here. In one week she will be. Thank God.... Hey mom if you find any spare sanity laying around can you bring me some??? And Patience too?
Yesterday Mattie and Sydney played and laughed together for over 30 minutes. I snapped a bunch of pictures. It was Matthews first time actually playing "with" Sydney. They play all the time, but normally Matt will play next to Sydney. He is still learning. She pushed him on his Hippo block eating toy. It tired the both of them out...

Good Night All....
LOVE the pics Veronica, especially that last one, Matthew is just too cute. :)
Sandy :)