Monday, May 08, 2006

Wow where can I start. I feel bad for not posting in forever. I find myself sitting in front of this computer searching the web for anything to do with our move. We have decided to live on Fort Belvoir in Virginia. It was a stressful decision. Bolling AFB is in a horrible part of town and there are no schools on the base. I just couldn't send Scottie out on a bus through the crime ridden streets. And for him to ride a bus for 30-45 minutes every morning. Not happening. Scottie barely sits still just driving around the block to go to school. Bollings housing is suppose to be the best in the Air Force. I just wish there was a school there. So we are off to Fort Belvoir. The fort appears to be in a better area and has a school on base. The housing is not as nice, but they are constantly building new. The houses that that we can choose between are Dogue Creek or Woodlawn Village. To check them out go to Look under incoming and then villages. I think we also qualify for Harryford, but there is a 12-18 month waiting list. No thanks. I really prefer the Woodlawn, but there is only carpet on the stairs and they are off base in a gated community, there we go again with the bus thing. Dogue Creek is MUCH smaller, no garage, but has carpet on the stairs and in the bedrooms. They are also 3 story which I don't like. But they will work out for us better. No bus for Scottie. This is a horrible assignment for my family! I wish Ben could get out of it.
The kids are doing great! They are very excited for the move. Sydney asks everyday if we are going to bring her bed to the new house. NO Syd I thought we would leave just your stuff behind. And she wants to move closer to her Merri-Ann. Scottie wants to go because we will be closer to a Chuckie Cheese. The last day of school for Scottie in on the 26th! He has to go back on the 1st of June to get his report card and school records. This year has flown by.
Matthews 1st birthday is sneaking up on us real quick. I have planned a small party/bar-b-que for him. I cannot believe that my baby is almost 1. Where did one year go?
Thats about it for now!! I better get busy working on the kids rooms!
Bolling does have a great homeschool group called BAHE. There is also a program through called CAPSC online that give you all of your supplies to include a computer.
It was a hard adjustment for me to try homeschooling, but I am glad I gave it a try. I usually spend about 2.5 hours a day on my 2nd graders work and 30 minutes on my younger sons.
Depending on where your husband works, the commutes are between 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours. Rt 1 and 1-95 are both so very crowded at rush hour. We got sick of my husband's commute so we moved onto Bolling a year ago.