Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Yesterday Ben got the word that he is being reassigned to the Pentagon. The first thing that went through my mind was utter fear. Now that I have researched the area and the base that we will live at I am okay with this move. I feel so bad for Ben he has been working really hard so he can apply for Officer training School. He was going to apply in June. Now that he has been selected for a non-volunteer 3 year controlled tour he cannot apply for 2 1/2 years. Basically that means that he was selected to go the Pentagon, he has no say, its a 3 year tour. He is there for the entire 3 years. I hope it works out for him. I just wanted to post quickly and let everyone know whats going on over here. I will try to keep everyone posted, but right now we have a lot to figure out.
posted by
at Tuesday, April 04, 2006 |

1 Hanging with the Coopers

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Sandra

Ok now it's MY TURN to say...."You can't go anywhere and leave me behind" LOL

Can't believe you guys are moving already and we're still stuck here....one day we'll get out, one day far far away LOL