Sunday, February 26, 2006
posted by
at Sunday, February 26, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers
posted by
at Sunday, February 26, 2006 | 2 Hanging with the Coopers
posted by
at Sunday, February 26, 2006 | 0 Hanging with the Coopers

Here is the princess in her fullest!
posted by
at Sunday, February 26, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers
This morning was the normal hussle to try to get to church before 8. Ben forgot o wake me at 6, I woke myself at 6:30. Geez that half of an hour really throws you off. We made it in time, but I suffered not having time to eat breakfast. It normally works that way.
The day went pretty smooth, I managed to grab a 15 min nap before heading off to a body shop home party. I decided that I should bring Matthew. He is the quiet one. NOT THIS TIME!! He screamed and cried almost the entire time. Until Valerie had a great idea to give him some cereal. He enjoyed throwing it all across her living room. When he was done he continued to scream until he left. I still had a good time.
Ben enjoyed the afternoon with Scottie and Sydney. It wasn't that warm out today. He took them out to the trampoline. Ben likes to lay in the center and let the kids jump around him. Sometimes he will pick one of them up and jump really high. The kids love it, They love anytime that they get to spend with Ben. Full time school and full time work has really taken its toll on us as a family. I thank God that Ben will graduate this summer. Don't get me wrong, I am really proud of all of Ben's accomplishments, but this has been tough.
So tonight I was laying in bed with Mattie getting him to sleep when Sydney comes into my room. I wasn't looking at her when she walked in an d said "Mommy look spikey hair, just like Scotties!" Oh my she had dumped half a big jar of hair gel all over herself. I yelled for Ben, he runs up to find the gel all over the carpet, the bathroom floor and of course Sydney, She had it in her hair, all over her body and even in between her toes. Well she won I told her no bath tonight, She got one.. I just keep telling myself that she is spirited and she will definitely will get what she wants out of life! And I wouldn't change her for the world!
posted by
at Sunday, February 26, 2006 | 0 Hanging with the Coopers
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Okay I got this site from my friend Sandy's blong... She askes why she cannot have something cool. Her name in the dictionary means a person with a taste for Acorns.

Well here is mine:
Veronica --

Like in nature to a kangaroo

'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

I think I would like a taste for acorns instead. At least it's English. Thanks Sandy
posted by
at Saturday, February 25, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers
What a day... Last night I fell asleep at 6:45pm. I was physically and mentally drained. We put Matthew to bed and went to watch T.V with Scottie and Sydney. That's the last thing I remember. I woke at 9:30 thinking it was morning. I tried to go back to bed and luckily I was able to get back to sleep by 11. Then Sydney had a bad dream or what ever goes on with her EVERY night. So she ends up in bed between us.
I have just been so drained today. Scottie and Sydney loved being able to play outside today. They blew bubbles, swang and jumped on the trampoline. They even got a long for the most part. I did catch Sydney hitting Scotties foot with a plastic bat, then I looked out just in time to see Scottie push Sydney across the trampoline and right into the net. Yeah okay.. No tears No blood, I don't have the energy or patience today. Just get along. Then they were fine the rest of the day.
Only five more days until my Daddy comes to visit. I am so excited I cannot wait. The kids are beside themselves. Sydney woke this morning and asked if Grandpa was already in his car. She doesn't get the airplane concept yet. Scottie has their days planned and filled with walks to the park, playing games, reading books, video games, and drawing. Sydney just wants to sleep next to Grandpa, go for walks and read books.
Ben took his test on Wednesday to see if he can gain some rank and become a Tech Sgt. We will not hear anything until June or July. So the wait begins. I am sure he did well on the tests. I just wonder what the point cut off is. I hope and pray that he has made it.

Ben enjoyed going o Boise today to play BINGO with the Vets and the VA Hospital. He has become friends with a man named Wes up there at the VA Hospital, He seems to really enjoying spending time with him.
Ben got home and I went to the gym. I had taken steak out for dinner and burgers out for lunch tomorrow, I came home to burgers. I was a little disappointed but Hey dinner was cooked and I didn't do it!! It was good too!!
That's about all for us just another slow tiresome day...
posted by
at Saturday, February 25, 2006 | 0 Hanging with the Coopers
Friday, February 24, 2006
As I woke at 5:30 this morning my first thoughts were to turn off the alarm clock and just "rest" a few more minutes, There was no noise, no crying, whining, no kids fighting, it was so peaceful! Then I thought better wake now and get a shower in or forget it, Tomorrow I can sleep in (I Hope). I decided to let the kids sleep in until 7:00, to my surprise today was one of the smoothest mornings we have ever had. Wow I should try this more often.
Sydney has had a good day in Sydney terms. She has just discovered a Nickelodeon show called Max and Ruby, It is the nost annoying show. Anyhow she watched the DVD over and over for a total of 3 hours this morning. I now know each and every show on that DVD by heart. BLAHHH.... But Max and Ruby did their job and kept her busy so I could get some much needed organizing done. Mattie has just learned to crawl. He "tried" to help me organize the kitchen cup boards. Thanks Mattie.
We for the second day in row we have been able to walk to get Scottie from school. We have actually been above 50 degrees. That's big time news around here. Sydney enjoyed playing with her friends at the school playground. Burn that energy baby!! Scottie came out of school so happy today, no problems what so ever at school. HMMMMM... Sub teacher=happy Scottie. Do we see a connection here??? I sure do. Luckily only 3 months left and he will be free and happy.
Today has been a very easy Friday!! NO fighting kids, no Owies, not even a time out today!Thank God. Fridays are normally our roughest days. Well I spoke to soon.. Back to reality. Sydney and Scottie were jumping on the trampoline when the daily 5 o'clock Star Spangled Banner came over the Base. You are suspose to stand still face the GIANT VOICE (the speaker), and put your hand over your heart. This is what Scottie did, Sydney decided it was time to run on the trampoline with her eyes closed and crash into Scottie giving herself a split, bloody fat lip. Yep this was too easy of a day.....
posted by
at Friday, February 24, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers