Happy Patties Day!!!
NOt to much on the to do list today. Scottie gets out of school early today. So I am trying to get all my household stuff done before I pick him up. He wants us to watch Sponge Bob Square pants movie together. Here are some pics I took this morning!
Thank You Merri-Anne for the present for Sydney. She loved the fairy as you can see. She dressedherself before I got to her.. Sydney loves fairies and princesses. Sydney perfers to be called Sydney-rella. She is our little princess.
The Corned Beef and cabbage have been cooking since 7:30 this moning. My mouth is already watering. 5 O'Clock cannot get here soon enough. We are having some friends come over for dinner. I hope Valerie and Harold come over hungry. Thats about it for today. The weather cannot decide if its going ot be warm or cold. It stinks. Yesterday we walked to get Scottie from school. It was beautiful until we got to the school, then the wind came in and we all froze. Thanks Idaho. Oh one last picture! I love when my kids Show how they love each other!!