Hope you enjoy. I know the song is a "little"old, but this song always reminds me of my summer fun days.
On Friday Ben graduated with his bachelors degree. We are so very proud of him. His classes end on July 31. As of right now he graduated with Magna Cum Laude honors. Once he finishes his classes he will have Summa Cum Laude honors. He has worked so very hard the past 2 1/2 years. He has sacrificed a lot.I am so very proud of him, I never doubted him. I know that he is very determined and will get everything he wants out of life. We are looking forward to being able to do more family things together and to be able take the kids to different places.
Sometimes I get so fustrated with the kids constant bickering and fighting with each other that I just wish that they were in school at least part of the day. Well today they were outside swimming. The water was a bit chilly, but they enjoyed themselves. They were out of the poor running around drying off when I hear Sydney screaming, I run to the door to see what in the world is going on. An ear wig better known as an ear blocker bug according to my kids was on Syds back. Scottie grabs it off her, proceeds to rip it to shreds and says "Hey mom an ear blocker bug was on Sydney's back and it was heading towards her ear, oh not on my sister!!" I had to stop and think that maybe just maybe I might be doing something right and just maybe this bickering and fighting will disappear REALLY soon because after all is said and done they love each other and that's what matters.
Mark has been here since Thursday. We have had a very nice time with him. The kids have all loved having him here. Poor Syd just doesn't understand. She told me last night that Grandpa could have her room if he wanted to stay. Its sad. It is going to be hard to say goodbye tomorrow. Hopefully we will be able to get Mark to visit more often when we get to DC.