Friday, June 23, 2006
Today truely felt like summer. This morning my friend Sandy and I took our kids tothe park and let them run and play. We came home ate lunch, got the pool ready and baclk out we went. We started off inthe front yard. Sandy brought over a water hose type toy the shot water everywhere. The kids loved it. We then ventured to the back yard where we thought the pool water might be a little cold. Not for our kids. They had the time of their life. Everyone should sleep really good tonight. Sandy showed me how to make a video out of the pictures we took. If you click on the link below you can see it. If you want to see more of our day Sandy has the video pictures on here blog. Chek it out! Sorry Sandy I cannot figure out how to type your name and have it linked to your site. Something else I need you to show me.

Hope you enjoy. I know the song is a "little"old, but this song always reminds me of my summer fun days.
posted by
at Friday, June 23, 2006 | 0 Hanging with the Coopers
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I would like to start off this post by wishing my God Mother a very Happy Birthday!! Growing up with Aunt Berta by my side is something that I would never trade for the world. I always felt special being Aunt Bertas God Daughter. She made me laugh and always had a kind word to say. As I grew up I started to view her as more then a God Mother she was becoming my friend too. I can see why her and mom have been friends for almost 40 years. ( Take a few years) For her I am very thankful. I wish we could see more of each other. She is someone that hope will influence my kids the way she did me. Happy Birthday Aunt Berta! I miss you and love you.
The move..... BLAHHHHH Where to begin. I am so stressed already and it's just began. I have been trying to do stuff everyday so it doesn't all hit at once. With Ben taking his final 2 classes (and they are tuff ones) I don't expect much help around here. I have got almost everything that we don't need right now packed. The only problem is that I clear a space and I always seem to find something else to put in its place. So double the packing for me. Yesterday the kids played in the front yard with their friends while I cleaned and tried to get the yard inspection ready. Why in the world do they want anything done to the yards? We are the last ones to live here!! They are tearing these suckers down. I will never understand some of their reasoning. I mean does it really matter if the grass is not edged? Do you really have to see a gap between the cement and the grass that will grow back within a month of us leaving here and their "Gardner" will not fix it again. I just want to get on the rode and get to Virginia. Actually I just want me mom to get here. In one week she will be. Thank God.... Hey mom if you find any spare sanity laying around can you bring me some??? And Patience too?
Yesterday Mattie and Sydney played and laughed together for over 30 minutes. I snapped a bunch of pictures. It was Matthews first time actually playing "with" Sydney. They play all the time, but normally Matt will play next to Sydney. He is still learning. She pushed him on his Hippo block eating toy. It tired the both of them out...

Good Night All....
posted by
at Thursday, June 22, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

On Friday Ben graduated with his bachelors degree. We are so very proud of him. His classes end on July 31. As of right now he graduated with Magna Cum Laude honors. Once he finishes his classes he will have Summa Cum Laude honors. He has worked so very hard the past 2 1/2 years. He has sacrificed a lot.I am so very proud of him, I never doubted him. I know that he is very determined and will get everything he wants out of life. We are looking forward to being able to do more family things together and to be able take the kids to different places.

Sometimes I get so fustrated with the kids constant bickering and fighting with each other that I just wish that they were in school at least part of the day. Well today they were outside swimming. The water was a bit chilly, but they enjoyed themselves. They were out of the poor running around drying off when I hear Sydney screaming, I run to the door to see what in the world is going on. An ear wig better known as an ear blocker bug according to my kids was on Syds back. Scottie grabs it off her, proceeds to rip it to shreds and says "Hey mom an ear blocker bug was on Sydney's back and it was heading towards her ear, oh not on my sister!!" I had to stop and think that maybe just maybe I might be doing something right and just maybe this bickering and fighting will disappear REALLY soon because after all is said and done they love each other and that's what matters.

Mark has been here since Thursday. We have had a very nice time with him. The kids have all loved having him here. Poor Syd just doesn't understand. She told me last night that Grandpa could have her room if he wanted to stay. Its sad. It is going to be hard to say goodbye tomorrow. Hopefully we will be able to get Mark to visit more often when we get to DC.

posted by
at Tuesday, June 13, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers
Monday, June 05, 2006
On base there is a recycle center. Generally people will dump stuff off there that they do not want anymore. Sometimes there is junk and trash other times you find really good stuff. I just discovered the recycle center a few weeks ago. Today according to my kids I found a jack pot. A XXX-L bean bag chair. This thing is at least 5 foot wide. Both kids were able to lay on it and watch TV. After I took these pictures the kids told me that I had to put this on the web page for everyone to see. Happy kids=happy momma. I love to see there happy little faces. Looking at them
smile or hearing them laugh and giggle makes me forget the fighting and screatching that drives me up the wall. I hope my kids will be as close as my brother and I are.
This month is going to be a busy month for us. In a good way. On Thursday Mark will be coming for a visit. Ben is graduating on Friday. He is so excited, thrilled and honored that his dad will be at his graduation ceremony. The kids cannot wait. Every day Sydney tells me that she has her room all ready for Grandpa. I am excited too. I love chatting with Mark. We always have great conversations. Then on the 29th my mom will come for a visit. Scottie wanted her here for his 7th birthday, so here she comes. We will get my mom all to ourselves until the 10th of July. I am very excited to spend the 4th with her. I am already planning meals that mom can show me how to make that I love. (hint hint mom.... Can you make me a dinner or 2) I just miss my moms cooking.
We do not have much planned for tomorrow. Tomorrow night Scottie has T-Ball practice. He loves it. He's very good at it too. Here is to a relaxing night and day tomorrow.

posted by
at Monday, June 05, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers
Sunday, June 04, 2006

I wanted to post more pictures last night, but I ran out of time. The kids had a great time. Well today I have done nothing. but clean and pack Scottie and Sydneys rooms. I worked on Scotties from 9:30 this morning until 3:00. Syd's room was already mostly packed. Now I am off to steam clean the carpets up stairs. Hopefully we can get most clanning done tonight that way we won't have a lot to do during the week. Take Care

posted by
at Sunday, June 04, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers
Saturday, June 03, 2006

My friend Sandy is so talented in working web page templates. I love this new background that she made for me. I couldn't have asked for anything different. I just love it. Thanks Sandy, I owe you one.
Today we had Scottie's Birthday party, Yes 3 weeks early. It's so hard to actually throw him a party with his birthday being July 1. Most people are gone for the 4th of July. School is out and there were some kids from his class that he wanted to invite. He and his friends had a great time. We went to the bowling alley. Each kids played 2 games and ate. We then moved on to the presents and cake. Scottie chose Over The Hedge for his theme. At first I tried to talk him out of it thinking it was to young for him. He insisted and it ended up working out really nice. The kids all loved the animal masks that we got instead of party hats. All the kids had a great time. Hope all is well on your end, I am cutting this short as I just looked at the clock. Good night all. Sweet dreams

posted by
at Saturday, June 03, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers