As I woke at 5:30 this morning my first thoughts were to turn off the alarm clock and just "rest" a few more minutes, There was no noise, no crying, whining, no kids fighting, it was so peaceful! Then I thought better wake now and get a shower in or forget it, Tomorrow I can sleep in (I Hope). I decided to let the kids sleep in until 7:00, to my surprise today was one of the smoothest mornings we have ever had. Wow I should try this more often.
Sydney has had a good day in Sydney terms. She has just discovered a Nickelodeon show called Max and Ruby, It is the nost annoying show. Anyhow she watched the DVD over and over for a total of 3 hours this morning. I now know each and every show on that DVD by heart. BLAHHH.... But Max and Ruby did their job and kept her busy so I could get some much needed organizing done. Mattie has just learned to crawl. He "tried" to help me organize the kitchen cup boards. Thanks Mattie.
We for the second day in row we have been able to walk to get Scottie from school. We have actually been above 50 degrees. That's big time news around here. Sydney enjoyed playing with her friends at the school playground. Burn that energy baby!! Scottie came out of school so happy today, no problems what so ever at school. HMMMMM... Sub teacher=happy Scottie. Do we see a connection here??? I sure do. Luckily only 3 months left and he will be free and happy.
Today has been a very easy Friday!! NO fighting kids, no Owies, not even a time out today!Thank God. Fridays are normally our roughest days. Well I spoke to soon.. Back to reality. Sydney and Scottie were jumping on the trampoline when the daily 5 o'clock Star Spangled Banner came over the Base. You are suspose to stand still face the GIANT VOICE (the speaker), and put your hand over your heart. This is what Scottie did, Sydney decided it was time to run on the trampoline with her eyes closed and crash into Scottie giving herself a split, bloody fat lip. Yep this was too easy of a day.....