Friday, May 26, 2006

For the most part I love the military life style, I hate the part where you make great friends and a couple of years later you have to say goodbye. As I sit here in tears typing away I think back 3 years ago when I met Heather and her family. We both visited's military board. I posted asking if anyone was on Mountain Home AFB, Heather was the only one to reply. We ended up living right down the street from each other, We instantly bonded. When I met her Morgan was 2 1/2 and Bryson was almost 1. Now she has Brynn and baby Max. With no kids in school we had a daily routine. We went to the park every morning at 10 for an hour. Then on the real nice days I would walk to her house later in the afternoon. We'd sit under her pine trees and chat while the kids jumped on the trampolene or swam. She threw my baby shower for Mattie. We spent 4th of July together, Thats the picture above. I moved to another housing area when we found out Mattie was on his way. We didn't see each other as often, but talked SEVERAL times a day. When she got pregnant with Max she ended up moving a few blocks up from us. Tonight they came over for dinner for the last time here on this base. They leave Sunday for Eielson AFB Alaska. I will truly miss her and her family. I have never felt the instant bond or connection that I have felt with Heather, Matt or their kids.
I hate saying goodbye. This is the worst feeling ever. Military life takes you away from your natural family, You make a new "family", Your military family composed of close friends that are in the same boat as you are. No one besides another military wife will truly understand exactly what you feel or are going through. When husbands deploy you are sure to have a friend there to help you get through the sad lonely times, they come by or call to cheer you up. They help with the kids. They never let you stay in your slump for long. Fortunately Ben has not deployed since we have been here, but Matt has several times. Ben has gone a few places here and there or been so stressed to the point I didn't understand what was going on. Heather has been here right beside me and I have been right beside her.
I will miss Heather very much, I hope our roads meet again. I know that we will forever be there for each other. I hope they enjoy their great adventure in Alaska. They will truly be missed by me and my family.
posted by
at Friday, May 26, 2006 | 2 Hanging with the Coopers
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I have been feeling a little ancy lately with summer almost here and this being the last week of school for Scottie. I keep trying to think of easy activities that will keep Scottie and Sydney busy enough to not fight and enough o keep my sanity. If you can think of anything that would fit my needs please share.
Friday I went to the bowling alley to book Scotties birthday party. We have his party the weekend after school gets out that way he can still have a party. If we waited until July its really hard with everyone on vacation, kids visitation with their other parents, ETC ETC. Anyhow I get down there book the party for June 3-11:30. No problems. Come home fill out the invitations. They are ready to go. I tell Scottie do not bring these to school yet, its too early. Well he took then anyway. I get a call yesterday from the bowling alley. They forgot that they are going to summer hours the first week of June and will not be open until 2.. YIKES!!!! So hopefully the parents will open the letter that I have going to Scotties school with the time change. Its so fustrating. I hope we have smooth sailing from here on out with this birthday thing.
My once easy baby is becoming more and more difficult. He thinks that the appropiate time to wake and throw a huge fit is 4 am. He is wanting to get in there and play with his sister and brother, but doesn't know how to. So he climbs on them and hits them. Which makes the other two freak out and yell. Then because they are yelling or have gone to another room to play without him he screams even louder then the other 2. Lord please give me the strength and sanity to make it through this summer!

Have a great day
posted by
at Wednesday, May 24, 2006 | 2 Hanging with the Coopers
Monday, May 22, 2006

A lot has happened in the past week. On Saturday May 13th, the day before Mothers' Day I received the call from my dad that I have dreadfully been expecting. My grandmother passed away peacefully in her sleep. RIP Grandma. We love you and will always miss you. Her suffering is over, She is now healthy and drinking her beer. She is happy again. Until we meet again, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I left Idaho on Sunday to be there for my dad and Aunt Mary. I felt a very strong need to get there. Grandmas service was perfect. Her hands were perfect, they were not mangled like they had been for the past few years. Her nails were painted a beautiful pink. She looked rested. I still think of Grandma with black hair a beer in her hand and grape or strawberry soda in the fridge for me and Chuckie. The priest was even perfect. Grandmas family were from Ireland so what more perfect then a old priest from Dublin Ireland. All of my grandparents, an Uncle and Great Aunt have all completed their circle and are awaiting the rest of us to join them. I find peace to think that they are all together celebrating and eating Keilbosa, Kapusta and turkey neck sandwiches!
On Wednesday the day after Grandmas service I got to see my niece Aubri. She is one of the prettiest little girls ever. We love you Aubri! I had a great time getting to know her.
I had a great time with Austin too. His birthday is coming up real soon. I took him to Wal-Mart and told him that I would buy him anything he wanted. Austin wanted a medicine dropper so he could suck up bugs! I told him that I would buy him one, but wanted to get him something different too. Out of all the cool toys we seen he picked out a $3 bug net to catch lizards and a $4 bug house. Wow I got away cheap this year. Austin spent most of his days looking for bugs. Dad and I spent hours with him moving rocks and bricks so he could catch HIS bugs. He was really upset with me when I first got there because I didn't bring Scottie and Sydney. I felt so bad because they really wanted to go with me. I just couldn't pull Scottie out of school and it would have cost me a fortune. After a few hours he warmed up to me again. Miss ya buddy!
I enjoyed seeing my friends and family. I was sad to have gone under the circumstances, but was happy to be home. After grandma's service we had a real nice reception at my cousin Steve's house. I got to spend time with some cousins that I haven't see for a few years.Everyone celebrated Grandma and her legacy.
On Saturday my baby turned 1! I cannot believe that my Mattie is 1. I feel like I just brought him home from the hospital. We had a small party at out house and had all of our good friends and their kids here. Matthew is our only child that has really dug into the cake. He loved every bit of it. We thank everyone that came and made Matt's day special.
Here is Matt before cake, here is the cake and here is Matt after he got the cake!
I will close for now. Take Care

posted by
at Monday, May 22, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers
Monday, May 08, 2006

Wow where can I start. I feel bad for not posting in forever. I find myself sitting in front of this computer searching the web for anything to do with our move. We have decided to live on Fort Belvoir in Virginia. It was a stressful decision. Bolling AFB is in a horrible part of town and there are no schools on the base. I just couldn't send Scottie out on a bus through the crime ridden streets. And for him to ride a bus for 30-45 minutes every morning. Not happening. Scottie barely sits still just driving around the block to go to school. Bollings housing is suppose to be the best in the Air Force. I just wish there was a school there. So we are off to Fort Belvoir. The fort appears to be in a better area and has a school on base. The housing is not as nice, but they are constantly building new. The houses that that we can choose between are Dogue Creek or Woodlawn Village. To check them out go to Look under incoming and then villages. I think we also qualify for Harryford, but there is a 12-18 month waiting list. No thanks. I really prefer the Woodlawn, but there is only carpet on the stairs and they are off base in a gated community, there we go again with the bus thing. Dogue Creek is MUCH smaller, no garage, but has carpet on the stairs and in the bedrooms. They are also 3 story which I don't like. But they will work out for us better. No bus for Scottie. This is a horrible assignment for my family! I wish Ben could get out of it.
The kids are doing great! They are very excited for the move. Sydney asks everyday if we are going to bring her bed to the new house. NO Syd I thought we would leave just your stuff behind. And she wants to move closer to her Merri-Ann. Scottie wants to go because we will be closer to a Chuckie Cheese. The last day of school for Scottie in on the 26th! He has to go back on the 1st of June to get his report card and school records. This year has flown by.
Matthews 1st birthday is sneaking up on us real quick. I have planned a small party/bar-b-que for him. I cannot believe that my baby is almost 1. Where did one year go?
Thats about it for now!! I better get busy working on the kids rooms!
posted by
at Monday, May 08, 2006 | 1 Hanging with the Coopers