Sydney had her first sleep over on Tuesday. She has been begging to spend the night at Anna's house for weeks. Well Anna's mom made her a deal that if she slept in her bed and didn't wake up in the middle of the night screaming bloody murder then she could spend the night. Sydney worked very had and was rewarded. I thought for sure the phone would ring in the middle of the night for me to come get her. No she did great. She was even mad when I picked her up after lunch on Wednesday!
Scottie lost his first front tooth on Monday night. It was so cute I was laying down with Mattie and Scott and Sydney were in the tub. Scottie starts screaming "Mom it finally happened quick come here!" I had no idea what had finally happened and I was kinda scared to find out! He jumps out of the tub and into my room naked and wet carrying his tooth. He was so happy that the tooth fairy was coming he went right to sleep.

Ben is only taking one class this semester. He has a lot less stress and more time with us. The kids are loving every minute of it. Matthew even got to get on the trampolene with Ben. I don't think that Matthew enjoyed it as much as Ben did. He was much happier swinging in the swing. Sydney loved pushing him.

Today I took the kids to Wal-Mart. My friend Valerie and her kids joined us. Sydney and Anna decided that they were ready to get their ears pierced. Well that didn't happen they both chickened out. Valerie had the girls in the jewelry section, I had Scottie and Jason while I checked out. The poor cashier I swore was close to 100 and moving very slow at that. She was having all kins of problems with the register. Scottie was sitting on the back of the cart on top between the two seats. I was trying to help this cashier when I hear Scottie shout to the entire store 'HEY DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE PENIS IS??" I couldn't believe what I was hearing and thought I must have heard things wrong. Just to hear Scottie yell "THE PENIS IS RIGHT HERE!" As I turn to see him pointing with both hands at himself! I grabbed him so quick off the cart. I have never been so embarrassed!! Got to love the job.. I would never change it for the world!